Necessary Products: To prepare 1 liter: 1-1 ½ medium sized red beetroot, 6-7 dried peppers, 8 dried tomatoes, 2 medium carrots, 1 level teaspoon of Himalayan salt, 2 teaspoons lemon squeezed (or homemade apple vinegar), 1 cup of water, spices - cumin, fenugreek.
Preparation : All listed ingredients are blended to give a homogeneous mixture.
Ingredients: For the leaven: millet flour filtered water For the bread: 100 gleaven 300 gbuckwheat flour 100 g millet flour 400 ml. filtered water...
  more »Ingredients: Quantity for 20 breads 1 kg einkorn flour 1.5 flat teaspoon baking soda Optionally, you can add: 1-2 g Himalayan salt 2 tsp brown sugar Spices: 1 tsp...
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