
Vita Rama Health Programs - Spring 2021, Bansko

Vita Rama Health Programs - Spring 2021, Bansko


Vita Rama Health Programs - Spring 2021 will take place in Bansko, apart-hotel "Regnum Ski and Spa, Bansko" for a period of 4 weeks from 7th May until June 4th, 2021. 


Stuffed Swiss Chard Rolls With Sunflower Seeds Sauce
Stuffed Swiss Chard Rolls With Sunflower Seeds Sauce

Ingredients: 2 bunches of swiss chard 1 cup basmati rice ¼ cup wild rice cumin seeds fresh dill a handful of sunflower seeds (soaked) lemon juice asafetida (optional) Himalayan salt


How to cure type 2 diabetes in 14 days?

How to cure type 2 diabetes in 14 days?


Diabetes is one of the most common diseases worldwide. According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), over 350 million people worldwide have diabetes, and each year further 7 million get sick.

Success stories

Ivanka Dobreva Already in the first week of my stay in the Health center Vita Rama disappeared my heartburn, the burning in the stomach, there were no crisis. Dizziness was controlled to a great extent. Pain in the small joints faded away. The problems with the pancreas were solved – there was no pain.
Ivanka Dobreva

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