200 g green buckwheat
2 small or medium zucchini
4 carrots
½ medium-sized beetroots
a piece of celery root (optional)
¼ teaspoon cumin powder (optional)
fresh parsley
freshly squeezed lemon juice (to taste)
Himalayan salt (to taste)
Soak the lentils for 12 hours.
Wash it with water.
In a cooker bring water to boil and add buckwheat for about 15-20 minutes.
Remove the cooker from the heat and leave buckwheat to stew in it about 15 minutes. Drain buckwheat using a strainer.
Chop zucchini, carrots and beetroots.
In a cooker with a steam grid, fill water up to the grid. When the water in the cooker boils, add on the grid the beet, carrots and the piece of celery for about 10 minutes.
Add zucchini and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove the cooker from the heat and let the vegetables to stew in it for another 15 minutes.
In a blender beat the zucchini, celery, cumin, salt and lemon juice to fine homogeneous mixture.
Cut cooked steamed carrots into slices or quarters and beetroot into small cubes.
Pour the sauce of zucchini on the boiled and strained buckwheat and stir well. When serving sprinkle each portion with carrots, beets and parsley.
Ingredients: For the dough: 250 g einkorn flour ¾ cup filtered water ¼ teaspoon baking soda lemon juice Himalayan salt a pinch of sugar muscovado...
  more »Ingredients: 2 small fresh zucchini 200 g broccoli (without stems) 2-3 mm sliced ginger 5-6 sprigs of dill Himalayan salt Preparation: Cut...
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