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Milena Abadjieva

I learned about HealthCenter Vita Rama from my colleague in Luxembourg.

Subsequently I went online to look at the Web site of the Health Center. As soon as I saw the pictures with freshly squeezed juices and sprouts, I realized that this is my HealthCenter.

I chose Vita Rama, because the philosophy of this center fully meets my views and beliefs about healthy eating. I wandered a long time, until I find the right way of eating among the many existing theories and conflicting information from varioussources. A year ago, my gut flora has been damaged due to over-consumption of protein, which is why I decided to change my diet and have chosen vegetarianism. I read a lot of scientific research and literature on the subject and became convinced that this is the right way of eating in order to be healthy. The path I chose was connected to detoxingthe whole body and change in my whole diet. After excluding meat and dairy products I started to haveproblems with iron and vitamin B12, which is why Ineededprofessional advice to adjust mydiet. The accumulation of iron and vitamin B 12 in the body requires more time and I still cannot say what results I have achieved, but I am convinced that I am on the right path.


For me, vegetarianism is the best way to health, but it must always be supported by sufficient knowledge so thatnodeficienciesappear in the body.

From 28 March to 6 April 2015 I joined in the "Vitality"programof the HealthCenter Vita Rama in Pamporovo.

My stay in Vita Rama surpassed my expectations.

The foodwas very varied and healthy - fresh juices, raw fruits and vegetables, sprouts, sauces of nuts and seeds, as well as dishes from cereals and pulses. Living food is that which gives us energy and enzymes necessary for the body, and inVita Rama this food was in abundance.

The programwas varied and includedlectures on healthy eating and sports activities. The team of Vita Rama consists of extremely positive and spiritual people. Daily lectures were very useful for gathering new knowledge about healthy lifestyle in terms of nutrition, and in terms of spiritual health. I learned a lot of new recipes, and how to properly combine foods. I was impressed by the yoga teachersfromwhom I learned new breathing practices.

My stay in Vita Rama hadvery good influence on my physical condition.I have more energy and I go regularly to yoga.

My stay in Vita Rama was very fruitful also for my mental and emotional health. Spending time in nature and interaction with the positive teamofVita Rama wasvery refreshing and the lectures made me considerthe more important things in life.

I would visit Vita Rama again as I would like to enrich further myknowledge in the field of healthy eating.I would recommend Vita Rama to anyone who wants to find a healthy lifestyle and is ready to completely change their lives for the sake of health.