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Which are some of the most popular and beneficial super foods?

Green super foods – stalks and algae

The green super foods such as powdered wheat and barley stalks and the AFA algae, spirulina and chlorella have the highest concentration of easily assimilable nutrients, vitamins, chlorophyll and minerals, which replenish, protect and heal the body. They contain a wide range of useful substances including proteins, protective photo-chemical substances and health friendly bacteria, which help build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid the digestive function and enhance the resistance to diseases and illnesses. The higher amounts of hemoglobin in the blood translate into blood being higher in oxygen and oxygen is the first and foremost element, indicating that the cells are flourishing.


Powdered maca is extracted from the root of the maca plant – aromatic ancient super food from Peru. Maca has been cultivated for at least 2 000 years and was consumed by the Inka warriors, who enhanced their strength and stamina thereby. It is highly nutritious food, traditionally having been used to boost energy and sexual desire, to maintain fertility and improve the function of the immune system.

Maca has been a staple food and curative plant for the inhabitants of Peru, but is already widely accessible as a food supplement in the entire world. It has the potency to balance and stabilize the endocrine system, the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the musculature. Maca intake increases the oxygen saturation of the blood and thus helps handle stress. According to Dr. Bett. M. Ley, maca helps women with menstrual disturbances and sharp mood vacillations related to perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

Yacon root

Homeland of the yacon (polymnia sonchifolia) is South America. It is known as Peruvian ground apple. It has luscious edible tubers and leaves. Yacon has a low content of both calories and mono- and disaccharides (quickly raising the blood sugar level). Every part of the plant is applicable in helping people with blood sugar level issues.

The yacon syrup is a freshly crushed yacon root havingbeen used for centuries in the Peruvian Andes as a healthy, low-glucose, natural sweetener. Yacon root is available either as dried slices or powder-like. In terms of a probiotic it is excellent for digestion, stimulating the colon state and helping assimilate calcium, magnesium and group-B vitamins. Yacon helps regulate the intestinal flora and influences especially well the growth of certain probiotics (Bifid bacterium and Lactobacillus), thereby helping relieve constipation. The yacon root contains substantial amounts of potassium and due to its high antioxidant properties facilitates also the decrease of free radicals, which harm the body, particularly those in the colon.

Inka berry

Appreciated since ancient times, inka berries are delicious super food high in phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12 and proteins, as well as bioflavonoids. Inka berries are also referred to as Physalis or golden berry and grow predominantly in places of high altitude, mainly in the tropical regions of South America.

Inka berry maintains the metabolism of the cells. This is due to the high levels of Vitamin B12 the berries contain. This makes them an excellent natural source of energy. Many people regularly consuming this super food report that it makes them feel wonderful and experience heightened levels of energy and mental functioning of the body. Inka berry is an excellent source of antioxidants beinginvolved with a reducing of inflammations in the organism.

Chia seeds

Chia is a member of the mint family. Since ancient times the chia plants have been cultivated in Mexico and had been an important part of the menu of aztecs and mayas. The Aztec warriors used chia as the main source of fuel during conquests, to relieve joint pains, as well as to stimulate salivation.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of many vital nutrients, such as calcium, ferrum, magnesium, zinc, borum, niacine, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. As a matter of fact, the chia seeds contain 20% easily disgestible and assimilatable proteins. The mucin content on the other hand reduces the inflammation in the digestive tract and this makes chia seeds a wonderful food for people with digestive disturbances.

Another great benefit of the chia seeds is that they stimulate hydration because of their ability to absorb water being subsequently assimilated by the organism. Chia seeds are one of the favorite foods of the long distance runners, bikers and other sport enthusiasts, since through consumption of chia they aid the maintenance of the hydration level, enhance their level of energy and stabilize electrolyte production.

Hip, goji berry, chokeberry, pomegranate, cranberry, bilberry, mulberry and hemp seeds – all of them are plants with extraordinary nutritional parameters being cultivatedalso in our country and accordingly can also be referred to as super foods. A detailed article about Bulgarian super foods is coming up.

By and large, the super foods definitely have an extraordinarily beneficial action on the overall mental and physical condition of man. Their consumption is recommended especially to people, whose everyday life involves greater physical exertion, as well as to people who eat conventional and fast food, lacking in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. If you feel indisposed, exhausted or lack of energy, the super foods will certainly help you overcome these unpleasant symptoms.