Bhakti Yoga Health retreat Vita Rama
Where: Health center Vita Rama, Emona, Bulgaria
When: September 11 - 18th, 2016
Special guests:
HH Krishna Ksetra Swami
HH Bhanu Swami
HG Ekalavya Dasa
HG Mahendra Dasa
HG Vraja Krsna Dasa
Retreat package includes:
7 Nights Stay – accommodation at spacious studio/apartment (shared 2, 3 or 4 persons). Each studio/apartment has air conditioning, internet,bathroom, terrace with beautiful panoramic view.
Healthy meals – breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all prepared in accordance with the special Vita Rama cooking technology
- Purified water with reverse osmosis
- Fresh juices from fruits and vegetables
- Herbal teas and mountain honey
- Fruits
- Salads from vegetables, herbs, sprouts, seeds and nuts
- Probiotic yoghurts from seeds and nuts
- Varieties of steamed, cooked and raw meals
Daily Supplements to cleanse, balance and vitalize the body
Daily Lectures on health nutrition and healthy lifestyle
Healthy cooking workshops
Daily Yoga and breathing exercises
Daily Gymnastic and Physical exercises
Daily Guided walks in the beautiful Emona nature
Daily Morning Arati programs
Daily Bhakti Yoga classes – Srimad Bhagavatam, Holy name katha
Daily Kirtan mantra meditation
See daily program
Total amount per person* |
Shared 2 persons
in studio or apartament |
Shared 3 persons
in apartament |
Shared 4 persons
in apartament |
360 €
320 €
280 € |
* Prices are for 1 person in the relevant accommodation.
* Prices for 2 and 3 people in the apartment are at full occupancy of the apartment.
* The above package prices (including food) are for 1 adult (18+ years) for the whole retreat in the respective shared accommodation.
Mobile: +359 886 428 706